Friday, November 6, 2009

J.P. Foster

So, today marks the third month since Gdad passed and after talking with my Aunt Jenni, I've decided to list two things daily about him. Good, bad, funny, quirky, memorable..they all count. He was my stable source of comfort for so long and I want to honor his memory by recounting his life:

Day 1~November 6, 2009:

Gdad unconditionally loved me in spite of myself.
Gdad gave me strength I didn't realize I had.

Day 2~November 7, 2009:

Gdad loved going out to eat with his grandkids, it made him smile.
Gdad taught me the value of "your word"

Day 3~November 8, 2009:

Gdad puckered up for the best kisses when you got ready to leave.
Gdad always, always walked you to the door and made sure to stand at the door until you drove away.

Day 4~November 9, 2009:

Gdad purred when he slept, just like Grandmother (his Mama)
Gdad loved hearing us all say in unison, as we rolled down our windows and got ready to leave, "BYE GRANDAD!"~something my youngest was doing at age 2 or younger.

Day 5~November 10, 2009:

Gdad shopped early for Christmas and always tried to find just the right thing for each person on his list.
Gdad adored his Purple Heart Association, his one passion in later life.